Detailed Construction Documents, including structural layouts, mechanical, and electrical plans in PDF file format, delivered to you via email for printing. All sheets are formatted to 24"x36" size, and may be printed by your local reprographics shop or most Kinko's.
PDF file of the Acacia Construction plan set.
Note: By executing purchase, Purchaser agrees to terms of the License Agreement(s) below.
The Leap Adaptive ‘Origin’ License Agreement (PDF and Bond copy format purchaser) The plan purchaser (“USER”) agrees to the following terms and conditions of the Leap ‘Origin’ License. The transmitted electronic PDF files and/or hard copies of design works (“PLANS”) are the original creative works and copyright of Leap Adaptive who retains all rights thereof. USER does NOT have the permission to modify the PLANS. USER may make as many copies of the original PLANS as needed for USER’S one time USE. (“USE”) is defined as the preparation of plans for, and or building of one project or one house or a single unit of structure. The USER releases and agrees to defend, indemnify and holds harmless Leap Adaptive of all liability associated with any engineering of the designs, PLANS and/ or modification of specifications performed by the USER or third parties. USER accepts full responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of any engineering or modifications associated with the PLANS. USER may loan all or part of the PLANS to third parties including contractors and sub-contractors for the sole purpose of the construction of the project, house or unit. USER agrees to retrieve all loaned copies of the PLANS after construction is completed. Mortgage companies and building officials may retain a set of PLANS for their files.Leap Adaptive retains copyright ownership of the original PLANS. USER’S payment of a fee for use of the PLANS does not transfer any right, title, or interest in the PLANS, except as provided in this agreement. This license is non-transferable.
The Leap Adaptive ‘Unity’ License (For DWG and DXF format purchaser) The plan purchaser (“USER”) agrees to the following terms and conditions of this Leap ‘Unity’ License. The transmitted electronic (DWG and DXF) files of design works (“PLANS”) are the original creative works and copyright of Leap Adaptive who retains all rights thereof. USER has permission to alter or modify the files for USER’S one time USE. (“USE’) is defined as the preparation of plans for, and or building of one project or one house or a single unit of structure. USER may make as many copies of the original PLANS or the modified PLANS as needed for USER’S one time use. By changing or modifying the PLANS, the USER releases and agrees to defend, indemnify and holds harmless Leap Adaptive of all liability associated with the modified designs, PLANS and specifications. USER accepts full responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of any changes or modifications to the PLANS. USER may loan all or part of the PLANS to third parties including contractors and sub-contractors for the sole purpose of the construction of the project, house or unit. USER agrees to retrieve all loaned copies of the PLANS after construction is completed. Mortgage companies and building officials may retain a set of PLANS for their files.Leap Adaptive retains copyright ownership of the original PLANS and assumes sole copyright ownership of the modified PLANS. USER’S payment of a fee for use of the PLANS does not transfer any right, title, or interest in the PLANS, except as provided in this agreement. This license is non-transferable.